Make way for Prince Ali

Maaaaaake waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for Prince Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I love that song, and that’s the only lyric I know from it. :-D

Can’t wait to see Aladdin at the New Amsterdam next month. James Iglehart won a great big ol’ Antoinette Perry last night for his performance as the genie; should be a fabulous show. Have I shown you our box? Ah yes, I believe I have. It looks so hoity-toity & all, but they were among the cheapest seats in the theater. How does that work? Probably, there are sight-line issues (certain places onstage might be partially obscured from our view), but I don’t care.

Years ago, I took my high school music history class to a matinee performance of The Magic Flute at the Ohio Theater in Cleveland, and we sat in one of the boxes, I think four or six to a box. I thought it was grand. I hope this experience will be equally thrilling.

OK, it’s Monday (right?), and I need to get stuff done. I took the last four days to be a layabout and do next to nothing in an effort to decompress from the school year. Now it’s go time again. We’re off!

2 thoughts on “Make way for Prince Ali

  1. Mavis

    I watched that performance last night and thought of you and Thriller! I absolutely LOVED the genie! What a great talent. I’m sure you and Thriller will be thrilled with your box seats! (say that five times really fast) ;-) I can’t wait to hear all about your NYC experience!

    Now – git up, git yer possibles and git to werk!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      “Possibles” — HA

      The genie looked great to me! Since I haven’t seen the animated cartoon in years and years, I’m sure he won’t seem “off” to me (a more Robin Williams-type character). Can’t wait to see it, and we’ll definitely take you along on the vicarious tour!


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