Nice weekend

Crazy, but nice.

The furniture project is coming along, although the Thriller had to pull out the heavy artillery to get the original stain off the coffee table. After struggling for a couple of hours, it’s ready for its first coat of stain. It’s taken the sideboard two days for the first coat to dry…see where my Monday is going?

Still, a good time was had by all last night when we went to Cain Park (in Cleveland Heights, near Case Western Reserve U.) to hear our friend Lisa Biales perform with her band and guest artists Ronstadt Generations out in the open air. What a great show; it really turned folk music on its ear.

I was beyond impressed with Lisa’s bluesy honkytonk singing, and her fiddle player was just the right touch of awesome. But the Ronstadt boys (the brother and nephews of Linda) were exquisite — especially Cincinnati Conservatory graduate and cellist Michael. It was not to be believed.

Check out some clips of his playing on their new album, now available. It was so enjoyable: tight, silver harmonies, and I swear that Michael kid, in two hours of nonstop playing, played not a single note or double-stop out of tune. And expressive, wow…so expressive.

And it wasn’t ghastly hot as it had been, so the outdoors was a player in the evening as well. A great time indeed.

How goes your Sunday morning? Mine’s lazy, but then it’s company for lunch, and off to the cinema later. Ah, hugs to summer.

PS — we had dinner at the Winking Lizard before the concert. I stopped to admire the huge fake lizard in the glass cage. Then I saw it breathe. Oh dear.

2 thoughts on “Nice weekend

  1. David

    Saw Ronstadt Generations in Tucson…loved the music, was simply one of the most enjoyable music venues I had ever experienced. The family is a big deal in Tucson from entertainers to politicians, Ronstadt has a long time Tucson legacy.

    My Sunday is like all Sunday’s…relaxing, coffee on the deck watching 16 mule deer graze across the wash from the house.

    Blessings to you and The Thriller this day!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      After I read your comment I did a little more searching around. They do indeed have a long tradition in Tucson! So glad you like their music; I was completely blown away, especially by the cellist.

      Hope you had a great Sunday — off to the beginning of my week, which kind of bites, but it’s good to have somewhat of a routine again.

      Hugs to you and Liz!


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