Of webcams and heartache

I broke down and bought one of these today. As a longtime user of the soon-to-be-just-about-obsolete desktop PC (of all the computers/devices I use, it’s my all-time favorite), I don’t have an onboard camera. You know…to use with Skype. To talk with people far away.

One month from now, my best girlfriend of over 25 years will move away. And not just down the street, or to the next town or state — but a long way away. It bites, but I’m trying to put a good face on it. For one thing, it’s a fantastic move for Kay and Bob, because not only will they finally live in the same town as their son again, but they’ll also have tons of fun with tiny house living (can’t wait to see photos of it — and then actually see it in person).

Although I’m tied to a physical location by choice, for two important reasons (#1 — grandchildren; #2 — job), I find myself envious sometimes. The Thriller and I both long to wander free. Still, I admit I love being surrounded by my “things,” too. I enjoy the conveniences of my life, and I love having my family close by. That makes me very fortunate and happy, and I can’t imagine anyone faulting someone else for wanting the same thing. Kay’s son has been on the west coast for many years, and it’s time she was closer to him. It’s the right thing to do.

That doesn’t make this hurt any less, however.

One of my favorite photos of us, a couple Christmases ago.

The upside is that Kay and I have done the long-distance friendship dance more than once, as she has lived in Europe before, and we are pretty good at staying connected. I told her the other day, during a conversation about her living off the grid with no electricity and no cell service, that I would drag out the paper and pen and actually write weekly letters — you know, the kind you send in surface mail. *Gasp!* Amazing, yes?

I guess it stings a little bit more this time because before, they always came back to their house in the country, about 15 minutes from here. Two weeks ago, they sold the place, so…it’s on. She’s leaving for real and for good, which makes stuff more serious.

No worries, though. As much as she might try, she’ll never be rid of me. I have wheels, and if it becomes absolutely necessary, planes have wings. And in the meantime, there’ll be the pesky webcam and Skype, when she can get into town from the wilderness and use some wifi, or go where she has cell reception. It ain’t perfect, but I’ll take it. Oh, and the writing letters thing…that, too. ;-)

Till then, I plan to grab as much “K time” as I can get. T-minus thirty days…

8 thoughts on “Of webcams and heartache

  1. Mavis

    I’m so happy that you bought the camera! I know it’s hard to think about being away from Kay and Bob, but like you said, it’s wonderful that they can be near their son again. I’m so envious of that. I’m blessed to have one son in the same town, but I sure miss the other two!

    Kay and Bob are part of our family, so we’ll all miss them a lot. They’re such fun people and we always laugh when we’re all together! Spend as much time as you can with them, Bird. But remember – after they leave, you still have us! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Of course I still have you, silly! Psh! :P

      I know it’s the right thing for them to do. They’ll love it, and we will have one more place to visit! You’re right — they’ll be missed!

  2. Ross Bonander

    The first time I used Skype was when my wife was in Hong Kong for work a few years ago. You would have thought she and I won the lotto. In between the ‘work sucks’ and ‘the cats are fine’ were exclamations of pure wonder. Talking on the phone but into a television set is original Star Trek stuff to us. The novelty has yet to wear off. I even remember being in the 6th grade and wishing I could combine the audio of the phone with the video of the tele. Of all the technical wonders, video by Skype is the one that just doesn’t get old for me. It’s the future incarnate. No it’s not the same thing as reality but it’s really, really, really close.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yeah, I know…blah. I’ve used Skype before (admittedly long ago, in its infancy, when it was one big huge buffer-fest, and it pretty much sucked), and I know I’ll enjoy having the face-to-face chats, not only with her, but with other family and friends, too.

      I can imagine the jackpot feeling from Hong Kong to Texas, though!

  3. Kay

    Thanks lovey for the post! Now stop making me cry!!!!
    Hope I can blog at http://www.kayraplenovich.com – there will be lots of yummy descriptions and photos of adventures domestic and foreign. Just hope I don’t get close enough to a mountain lion to take a picture – AHHHHH!
    love you

  4. RD

    The friendship that you describe with Kay and Bob–friends that become family–lasts over years and through times of physical separation. They have a functional foundation of deep respect and trust that is expressed in many ways. This friend knows us thoroughly, aware of our foibles as well as our strengths, our hangups as well as well as our clarity of vision. This genuine acceptance provides an unbreakable bond and is willing to trust the strength of the friendship enough to lovingly confront, when that is necessary. I, too, value this kind of friendship, the kind that though you haven’t seen the friend or even talked to the friend for a considerable period of time, yet when you come together, it’s as though you were never apart. You pick right up where you left off–no gap whatsoever. This kind of friendship is mutually enriching and is an invaluable treasure to both. Hooray for genuine friendship!


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