He came through fine, Mavis! But boy, tonight’s been rough…he appears to be in quite a lot of pain, and he doesn’t get another pain pill until bedtime. Poor thing…shaking and squinting…
Awww, poor pup!!! I’m sure that area must really hurt, bless his heart. Hopefully the first night is the worst and he’ll feel a bit better come tomorrow. I’ll keep praying for his quick recovery!!!
We’re sure praying for Rousseau!! I’m sure he will come through just fine. He has many other snow piles to lounge on!
We love you all!
He came through fine, Mavis! But boy, tonight’s been rough…he appears to be in quite a lot of pain, and he doesn’t get another pain pill until bedtime. Poor thing…shaking and squinting…
Awww, poor pup!!!
I’m sure that area must really hurt, bless his heart. Hopefully the first night is the worst and he’ll feel a bit better come tomorrow. I’ll keep praying for his quick recovery!!!