Party of the (half) century

Well I must say…I don’t know if I could have handled any more fantastic surprises. There aren’t enough superlatives to describe my ultra-fab birthday party last night, so I won’t try.

Surprise guests kept arriving — I was blown away! Here are some mementos:

The mastermind, who went through my cell phone address book and invited every name he recognized

Displayed after I went in the house. Sneaky.

Special fiends Adam and Bando

Fun people

We had lots of laughs. More RtB fiends identified here.



The most amazing surprise of all: BoomR shows up from Dallas

I have too many photos (Jane is bringing some more over — I hope I can find some of RD and Bonnie) and not near enough time and space to show them all this morning. Suffice it to say that I have an incredible family and fantabulicious friends — all more than I could ask for or deserve.

OK. I’m off to BFF Kay’s house for tea, then call up Lars & Helen for coffee…then I write a paper. Lovely.

Thank you again to everyone — what a crazy fantastic night!


13 thoughts on “Party of the (half) century

    1. Stein

      I think you deserve it for bursting my international soccer bubble. By the way, I was able to watch the 2nd half of a USA victory over El Salvador.

      1. Tom Hanks

        I still feel bad about that Mr. Stein. Being a soccer fan is probably tough enough without people pretending to have an interest. Maybe I should check out this international soccer stuff for real.

  1. Meg

    So glad the party was a hit! It was a great time :)
    Sam and I trying to find the place was quite the adventure…let’s just say our directions ended up being torn into a billion pieces. Ha.

    1. Rat Fink Post author


      Are you accusing the Thriller of giving bad instructions…and you two were the only ones who got lost? HMMMMMM….


      1. Sam

        “Meg, I really think that was the right road… there was a soccer field.”

        “Nah, just keep going. There’s suppose to be a light.”

        1. Meg

          “Just keep uh-goin…”
          “Meg, we’ve reached Hawkins on the other side of Ashland…I think we’ve gone too far.”
          “Where’s dat bypass even at!? I didn’t see no bypass sign, did you?”
          *rip *tear *rip
          “Ya think we outta keep uh-goin? Let’s text Jax…”

  2. BoomR

    So I’m winging my way back to Dallas & purely by accident (read: I forgot to “…disable the wireless feature on your portable device…”) discovered that AA now has in-flight wireless Internet! So I’m reading your blog & posting an articulate and compendious reply at 34,000 feet! It was SOOOoooo good to see you & meet Thriller – wish my stay could have been longer, but gotta take care of family business back in the Big D! Good luck on the discussion & paper! Hopefully NEXT visit we’ll have more time!


    BoomR in-flight!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      We will definitely have more time next time — even if it’s in June or July when we visit YOU!

      Hope the flight was pleasant, doll. Stay in touch about Mike’s mom. And did I ever thank you for my Garmin? I don’t think I have, at least not enough.


  3. Will

    Congratulations on the party. Looked like fun and now you can slap your troubles away with the slap chop, slap your troubles away.


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