15 thoughts on “Posting the armadillo shoes…

  1. Will

    I…There are no words to describe…Dang…Just dang…huh…Really? REALLY? How many freaking toes do you have to break to fit into one of those?

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I saw a picture of Lady GaGa wearing a pair. What you could ever do besides just stand there in them is beyond me!

  2. Artillius Merchclod

    I approve of Lady Gaga’s outlandishness.

    Hey Fink, I saw Kay (sp?) sing at the Ashland music choir feast thing that Curtis is in. I figured you would be there with her but I didn’t see you.

  3. mathman

    All I can say is what the hell is wrong with people these days. Hey Jax what’s up I have not posted in a while I am very busy Hopps season you know and the whole AD thing keeps me almost as busy as you with th theatre thing. Hit me up with an email sometime would be great to hear from you.


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