Hmmm. A huge performance weekend with a snow day the following Monday? And it’s almost April?
I don’t think that’s ever happened to me. But I’m glad it happened today. A gift!
It’s a great morning for quiet time, reading, coffee, and getting showered, dressed and to work on some long-shelved projects (like deep-cleaning the bathtub and cleaning out a closet). But the “work” part can wait a little longer. And I don’t have rehearsal tonight. Whatever shall we do about that?
Oh yeah — cook dinner! What a concept.
Enjoy your Monday, fiends — I know I will, if only to take time to breathe and reflect on (and recover from) the last 10 weeks before going on to the next “thing…”
The snow was so beautiful this morning! I took a couple of pictures out my front door. Little Abby LOVES running around in the snow – especially when it’s new snow.
I’m glad that you had a snow day. I worry about all of you folks that have to drive in this stuff. You, Janet, Sean…..I’m a worrier!
Enjoy this day, sweetie! Your “cleaning” ideas have put the “cleaning bug” in my head! Thanks so much!!! :p~~~~~
Well I hope you got more cleaning done than I did! Still putting things off…but at least I got dinner started and dessert already made — you know, the IMPORTANT stuff. HAhaha
I probably did.
At least Rickey is making dinner for me, so I got out of that job! Glad you had such a relaxing day, Bird.
HI, what a great gift!! I hope you are having a wonderful time!
<3 <3
It’s been a great day! Did you have to work today?
No I also had a day off but I usually do on Mondays. Went shopping and we found 2 seasons of Breaking Bad that we used gift coupons on. So off we go, watching that show!
You will LOVE IT