Review: Gone Girl

Having never 1) read the book or a review, or 2) seen a single trailer, I went into Gone Girl knowing absolutely nothing. Good thing, too. That is the best way to approach it, because truthfully, the plot twist is revealed so early on in the film, knowing anything beforehand would have been pretty disappointing (assuming, that is, that the author of the novel took a bit more time to expose the dastardly innards). Besides, if you want spoilers, you can find the entire plot anywhere on the web.

So I can’t reveal a lot in my review today, other than to say there is some good acting, and David Fincher knows how to creep a viewer out completely by wringing out of actors their most disturbing and off-center performances (think Fight Club, The Game, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Seven, Zodiac). Indeed, Rosamund Pike is quite effective in her portrayal of Amy, a writer and wife of a writer, who goes missing from the couple’s Cape Girardeau, Missouri home one fine summer morning.

The film centers around the terrible things we do to each other in relationships, but Fincher takes it to another, more visceral and sickening level. Evil, even. Again, I don’t dare reveal too much, or you will go into the experience with a foreboding you possibly wouldn’t otherwise have felt.

It’s safe to say that the film is dark, violent, and deals with uncomfortable situations. It’s definitely not a “date” movie. Lord, no. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend watching it with your SO at all. I’m glad I viewed it alone. And it’s not that the story line (while a tad contrived and too predictable too soon) is bad, per se, but rather the characters are so messed up, they’re hard to care about — and if you’ve read any of my past reviews, you’ll know that investing in a movie’s people is important to my experience. On that scale, this film flags. But there’s plenty to the unfolding of the story to still keep your interest. In fact, it’s quite the “page turner,” to use a literary term. On that score alone, and for the en pointe desperation of the cast in general, I recommend it. I’d be interested in comments (no spoilers, please) if you do see it.

On the Rat-O-Meter scale of five cheeses, I give Gone Girl:

2 thoughts on “Review: Gone Girl

  1. Ross Bonander

    When my mother was in town in October we went to see this movie. She had read the book when it came out and had a very similar response: the characters were not remotely sympathetic. After seeing the movie I kind of disagreed, meaning I thought Ben Affleck was sort of likable. OK he’s got issues but he’s nowhere near the worst of the bunch.

  2. Suzanne

    Garsh I don’t even remember what the last movie is we saw in the theater or rented. I am still working on movies from the 90’s HA. :)


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