So this is the view from my dorm room window:
Tough, eh? Staying on campus at a small college in the middle of miles and miles of corn and bean fields is way more pleasant than I originally expected. Admittedly, it’s been awhile since I’ve been in a dorm. But these are really nice by any standards — air conditioned, even! Good thing too, since it was 91 degrees here yesterday afternoon.
Only bad thing: as is customary when students walk on carpet in bare feet for months at a time, the place smells a little like, well…like people walked on the carpet in bare, stinky feet. Not pleasant. So I made a quick trip to Wally and bought some Febreze. Covers it up just fine. My guess is the carpet shampooing hasn’t happened yet.
So here’s the layout, especially for the benefit of those of us for whom “suites” were not an option in college, heh:
So far, I’m by myself in this little paradise. Another clinician arrives today to occupy one of the other bedrooms. I guess that’s one of the perks: suite mates, but no roommates. That’s a good thing all around.
All right. Enough slide show fun. Time for showers, coffee, and final prep for today’s session (12:30 Eastern, in case you wanted to know).
The Thriller calls this trip my “adventure.” So far, it’s been a great one! I needed this. More photos & stuff tomorrow. Have a great Monday.
Fink out (on the lone prairie).
Was surfing the net this morning and found myself on your site. Looked at some bad plastic surgery, did some reading on Nikola Tesla, took in some J Depp. In other words it was an unexpected TREAT! Loved it keep posting
Why thank you — I’m glad you saw some stuff you liked! I hope you’ll come back. Enjoyed your writing, too.
Awesome thank you! It’s not the cream of the crop of my writing but it’s all I have a site for;-) So what’s new? No wait let me surf it’s better that way
How has you summer been?
Wow that looks like heaven!!! Very nice for you and very nice for the stoo-dents the rest of the year.
H and I will be stateside the 19th til the 26th. Not very long but long enough ifyaknowwhaddimean. But first–Le Tour! I am more excited about that part of the vacation I think LOL We leave Wednesday for France and will have limited to no computer access. Chocolate croissants here I come! OOH LA LA
Have fun, g/f! Update us when you can.
Nice to know that a lot of college campuses shop from the same catalog for dorm furniture, mind you Wright State wasn’t quite as nice. Hope you have fun and remember, if you see any kids in the cornfields on your drive back, floor it.
Roger that, Will. The first kid emerging from the corn eats my dust.
Clearly you survived the trek through Ioway just fine
Glad to know that you’ve arrive safe & sound, greeted by AWOL chocolate bars.
I’ve been AWOL for a few days, up to my ears in a little remodeling project here @ the house – my new table saw ROCKS!! 
Give ’em heck, kiddo! ((smeewwchh!!)
Hey you — what are you doing to the house?
Phase 2 of recording studio remodel!!
Woo-hoo! Will try & post plenty of pictures when all is done…
What??? No disinfecting pod????
Oh all RIGHT!

That gives me foot fungus by looking at it LOL