RtB guts & other news

Sometimes I am amazed by how it all works, you know? Today, I installed a new version of the WordPress software I use to write my blog posts. The changelog for the update was gi-normous;  many cool features were added.

In an effort to be completely transparent, Rockin’ the Bourgeoisie will lift up her skirt today and show her knees. Or guts, as the case may be.  I’ve used Blogger software before, and once I had a LiveJournal site, but I don’t have any experience with the other blogging packages offered by TypePad, Moveable Type or others. WordPress does it for me, mostly because it’s soooper easy. Here’s a screen shot of today’s post in progress:

As you can see, the user interface is clean and simple. Me likey. As geeky as I like to think I am sometimes, it’s clear by the screen shot that *anyone* — even those who don’t own cell phones — can navigate blog software. :-)

I love downloading groovy things. Just a couple of days ago, I installed a feature on my Storm called “Picture Dial.”  For the numbers you call/text the most, touch the picture and you’re connected. How cool is that?

Right. In other news…


starts on 16 August, just in time for Stoney’s birthday. What a gift! And RtB superfriend Bando is laid up right now, after some minor surgery…I trust that this news will make her jump out the bed and do the watusi. I don’t remember being this excited for a season premiere since the days of Dallas and Knots Landing. Color me tres excite.

Oh, yeah.

9 thoughts on “RtB guts & other news

  1. Bando

    Finkus, You know me too well! I was watching MM season 1 on DVD last night, thinking, “I hope to see some news about the new season on RtB, because I’m too lazy to go look it up myself.” Post-op recovery is going great – probably because of the copious amounts of Don Draper I’ve chosen to self-medicate with, not any of that medical junk that the doctors prescribed. Thanks, fiend, for the MM update!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      You are welcome, Bando! When I got my Season 1 DVD for Christmas, I spent the entire afternoon the next day watching it. Can’t get me enough of Don..but of course, I have a dose of him every day this month, as he is the June photo on my MM calendar you got me. :-)

      Let’s reschedule for Panera when you’re feeling up to it, k?

  2. Ross

    C’mon, what kind of backwoods banjo player doesn’t have a cell phone these days. Remember land lines? How lame were those? They totally went the way of the urinal …

  3. BoomR

    Did I tell you that I’ve joined the ranks of the WordPress literate?? (but we use a way older version than probably what you’ve been using before this upgrade). When I have to alert our call center & don’t want to schedule a formal training for them, I just do a blog post to our training blog. There are 3 of us that post to the blog on a regular basis – I’m the latecomer. The other 2 have a signature that includes an avatar based on the Simpsons. My avatar is “Bleeding Gums” Murphy – Lisa Simpson’s Jazz saxophone mentor! LOL

    I actually love WP – esp. now that I know how to correctly embed graphics & links! Maybe we should barter some cross training of Logic Audio for WordPress??!! Yowza!!

    Enjoying day 5 of my half-century status :-)


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Awesome, doll! Glad to hear you’re among the WordPress geeks! (Even if you are a half century old…)

      I’ll barter training with ya any day!


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