Stuff I Want III

My son Lars says, “You are the easiest person to buy for; all I have to do is look at your blog.”

Ha — he’s right, actually. Now where’d I put that photo of the 2011 Mustang…….

It’s a good thing to want stuff. Mother always used to say that. If you had everything you wanted, what then? Where’s the joy and expectation in life — the wanting to work for something cool? I think Mother also said it to keep Mavis and me “grounded,” so we wouldn’t feel entitled or spoiled or selfish. That was a big thing with her.

Anyway, back to me.

After talking with Helen on Sunday, I have decided to run with the Barnes & Noble nook. $149 and free shipping. That purchase will be made today. But the other thing, oh my. I must have one of these, and soon:

The Mr. Coffee Café Frappe.

Actually, I’ve never had a Frappuccino at Starbucks, because I could think of happier ways to spend 140 calories in the morning (and that’s the sugar-free variety). But to make them myself, anytime, with only the ingredients and amounts I want, and the size I want? That sounds like fun.

Want, want, want, I want this. It’s good to want things.

So, what’s on your want list this day? Only six months till Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, ya know. Time to get bizzy.


9 thoughts on “Stuff I Want III

  1. Helen

    You may want to consider spending another $50 and getting the regular nook instead of the nook wifi for the 3G connections on your trip. That way, when you travel you can shop for and download more books wherever you are, because you may be on the highway. You don’t have to be connected to wi-fi. (It’s also in stock as well as accessories at BN over in Mansburg) Pros and cons but overall I love my nook and I am glad I have the 3G one for when I travel. But now I’ll have a nook friend to loan books to! (You can do that from nook to nook or nook to ereader, I can let you know all about it!) Let me know when it comes and we’ll have to have a play date :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yay for nook friends! I love that feature, and yes, we must put our heads together on this!

      I haven’t pulled the trigger yet today; I will consult the side-by-side comparison again on the site. 3G may be the way to go, since I’m not in a wi-fi area very often (and this year’s vacation is quite rural most of the time). Thanks Helen!

      1. BoomR

        WOW! That’s like $60 less for the 3G version vs. when I bought Bluvox his for Christmas. At $199, you should REALLY think about getting 3G – and the cool thing is that you don’t have to buy a data plan or anything to get the 3G… it just WORKS! I think you pay a few pennies for it when you buy/download a book. I **know** you will LOVE the Nook!

  2. Stoney

    My wish is to see that delicious coffee maker in your room at school….in the fall…..between say 3:15 and sixish. Mmmmmm.

    1. Mavis


      Well…she’s going to have to schlep it back and forth this Fall…cuz I want to see it in her kitchen when I go over. Maybe we can work out a schedule for every other day or something. :0)

      Finky – the 2011 Mustang you wanted – what color? Oh, and can you put models together? :p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        HA – I just may have to buy two then! I think a frappe would make a brilliant breakfast. Kind of like a smoothie, but with coffee. Get it all taken care of at once. How cool is that?

  3. Meg

    Omg…Lord knows I would love to have that frappe machine! I think I just might have to go get one this morning :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Well if you get one, let me know how you like it. Although — it’d be tough to find a way to dislike the frappe experience, ja?


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