T minus four days…

Do you find that the closer it gets, the less ready you are? The Thriller and I have much to do before blasting off on Wednesday, not the least of which is to try and get one more vizzy in with the Js.

Every carpeted floor and piece of furniture has been steam cleaned within an inch of its life (Country Mouse, you should see the sofa and easy chair — they look almost like the day Mr. CM upholstered them). You could have a picnic lunch in my closets, the drawers in the dining room sideboard can now be opened without various and sundry items barfing out, and the pantry is looking quite orderly and cute. I can see the surface of my desk as I write this, and I have removed all vestiges of Boston University from my bookcase in the parlor. Success.

And after an entire day of tearing things apart in the house and garage and coming up 100% confused, frustrated and empty, the Thriller finally found the car charger for the laptops. It was in my book bag, where’d I’d stashed it a week ago so we wouldn’t forget it, and then promptly forgot about it. Yipes. Rat Fink, Rat Fink…what a donkey.

Do other people stress about what to bring? I’m a big-picture thinker, so I don’t sweat details very much (which often comes back to bite me in the hiney). I tend to grossly overpack, even though I know we will have to do laundry. Any great secrets? I’ll share one: rolling up your shirts, shorts and jeans really helps to save space in the suitcase.

I covet your suggestions this day. The suitcases are already on the dining room table, and time’s a-wastin’.


19 thoughts on “T minus four days…

  1. PKPudlin

    My daughter, a Virgo like the Fink, is so organized that she will be packed and ready to go where ever she is going a full 4 weeks ahead of time. Truly a disgusting child.

    Unlike her mother, who is a throw-whatever-in-the-bag-10-minutes-before-leaving-for-the-airport. Some things rub off – thank gawd that wasn’t one of them.

    Whatever I forget, there’s a drugstore or whatever-store where I’m going, so I don’t worry too much about it.

    I’m at T-minus 23.5 hours before I leave on my own little cross-country trek, so I’m with ya!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Yay, you have fun, girly! And I’m more like you — throw it in the suitcase and pick up whatever I forgot, which galls the Thriller to no end.

      Maybe HE should be the Virgo (analyzing, practical — definitely NOT me).

      Have an awesome trip, luv. Report back!

  2. Skylar

    If you’re an over-packer, I suggest getting some of those nifty little vacuum bags (just not the bags that actually require a vacuum). I used them on my last trip. They were very helpful and not expensive. :)

      1. Skylar

        Sort of. I have a few that do the same thing without the vacuum. The air is rolled out through holes in the bottom instead. Much easier to repack.

  3. Stein

    (You’re a Virgo, too?)

    What’s your opinion on Kyrie Irving, other than the fact that his first name is a part of a mass. He kinda reminds me of World B Free.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Indeed I am! 25 August

      I think both those boys were a big positive in a decidedly unsexy draft. They’re what, 19 and 20? If Byron Scott and his coaches do right by them, they could build the team into something important. I saw the interviews with them on the news tonight; they seem like good guys — grounded, not arrogant fools with an astronomical entitlement jones like LeBron had (has). I’m excited for the season!

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        PS – I haven’t heard the name World B. Free in forever. What about those boys reminds you of him?

  4. Country Mouse

    Glad the furniture is looking all spiffy!!! I knew of a person once who packed all her clothes in tissue paper – not sure what the advantage of that was!?!?!?! I find myself taking less and less each year when we go on vacation – the simpler the better. Mr. Country Mouse is one of those who throws things in at the last minute – he always has loose shoes or a coat or something just shoved in some where and he ALWAYS forgets something!!! Happy packing!!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      That is what I’m afraid of…running back into the house as we’re leaving and bringing out an armful of stuff that the Thriller has to find room for. HAA

  5. Greg

    On some cruises I’ve seen people arrive with so much baggage one would think they’ll be traveling to Mongolia! Sheesh!!!!!! One lady complained there wasn’t enough storage in the cabin for all their stuff! Bear in mind each cabin has 3 large closets plus two under-bed pull-out drawers. I have seen women (sorry but it’s true–never guys!) who wear a morning outfit, afternoon flummery and evening wear—3 separate changes of clothes a day!!! My take on luggage is: whatever you take, YOU carry!!

  6. Suzanne

    Ooooo exciting!!!! You two certainly deserve your getaway!

    As for packing I am of no help. I, too, take waaaay too much and then get mad because I have no room for stuff I bought! I guess maybe select a SMALL suitcase and FORCE ourselves to use ONLY that small suitcase. HAAA yeah.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey, that’s a start, right? I’d probably just take six small suitcases. LOL

      Seriously though, we bought a new luggage set that had one large suitcase, a smaller pullman, a duffel on wheels, and various carrying cases. Nice thing. And…I managed to fit everything into the large one, with room to spare! Of course, I filled up a hanging garment bag so you can’t put anything else in it…but I ain’t bringing an iron on vacation. NO WAY


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