The List

I know you wish you were hanging out with me today. Up at 5, out the door at 6:15, and it’s Saturday. Whaaat?

  1. Get to bakery by 6:20
  2. On the road to school by 6:30
  3. Stop at classroom and get huge coffeemaker (makes me mad I forgot that yesterday)
  4. Go to rehearsal room, make coffee, meet Stoney
  5. Rehearse from 9 till 4
  6. Home by 5-5:30 p.m.
  7. Jake and Justin arrive at 6 (yay!)
  8. Play with J & J all evening
  9. J & J go home 9 a.m. Sunday
  10. Off to school to set up for orchestra rehearsal
  11. Rehearsal from 1-3 p.m.
  12. To classroom to get work done & practice
  13. Home in time for dinner
  14. Die till 5 a.m. Monday, when it all starts again

I’m not complaining, though. Like the Thriller says: I can’t not do it. Heh.

Mark, set, go. What’s up for your weekend?


11 thoughts on “The List

  1. BoomR

    That wore me out just reading it! LOL As for me, jet lag recovery, unpacking, and working on my CD are on tap for this weekend. Hope you get everything done!


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I require a mix of this CD, you know. Can’t wait to hear it! I’m glad you’re home safe. Take BV out to the Deli for breakfast and enjoy your Sunday – I larv you!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Good memory, Meggly. Nope! We used to go 9-1, then decided, “Meh, why not extend the torture?” LOL

      Make sure you make a “pit stop” before you leave the theater, or there will be consequences. What show are you coming to?

  2. Suzanne

    Oh come on that’s all? You can do more than that! HAAA j/k. The time with J and J will be fun and allow you to get your mind off Singin’ and Rain and stuff. :)

    As for me I had today off so I got some gardening done then met H in town and we got some curtains ordered, then home for coffee and now we are waiting for dinner. Tomorrow I do NOTHING. H has dayshift and I will enjoy a day to myself. :)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      And you deserve a day doing nothing, Lambikins! A day to oneself…someday I shall know this phenomenon.

      Having the Js was fantastic! Grammie is worn to a nubbin, but I didn’t think about SitR once. I needed that. Tell H I said Hallo!

  3. RD

    The Energizer Bunny can’t hold a candle to you!! My day today — I mowed the yard (not a riding mower either), took a nap while watching football, grilled for supper, did a little reading, and read RtB. What a life! Compared to yours, it’s paltry, but I’ll take it.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey, I’d take your life anyday right about now! Your life is far from paltry, my fiend. Try rich, full, fun, relaxing and well-deserved. Yeah, that’ll do it for starters. :-) Wish you were closer so we could slurp Starbucks and solve the problems of the world, though.


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