The Lunch Bunch loses one

Our pal Les (who posts as “Mathman” here on RtB) is leaving after 10 years with the district. We had a little gathering today at the usual watering hole (the teacher lounge) to say bon voyage to him.

Best wishes, Mathman! Knock ’em dead in Arizona.

The most awesomely cute desert cake (and I do mean desert, not dessert).

L-R: Stein, Deb, Krista, Stoney, and the Mathman

3 thoughts on “The Lunch Bunch loses one

  1. Stein

    Ya know, due to my prominant brow I always look rather angry, or else like a bird of prey. I do quite enjoy Stoney’s grin like she’s secretly hiding being smug???

  2. Maelea

    Stein, Lawn and I both think that you do look angry all the time. I would say that you look like a bird or prey. I do agree Stoneham looks quite mysterious.


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