The oncoming light…

…at the end of the tunnel is, for once, not a train.

What will I do with a Christmas break not filled with reading, research and writing papers? A lot of fun stuff. OK, well there’s that Dinner Theatre thing and building the new Joomla website for the school district, but outside of that, it’s grandsons, girl talk, good times, and Greektown. Now whaddya thinka that.

Last night was my high school choir Christmas concert. I have been doing these for many, many, mazenny years, and I must say that this one could have topped most for overall sound, smooth operation (except for the 2nd number when I apparently motioned Travis down to do his solo and we weren’t to his tune on the program yet) and general comments from the audience on the atmosphere and programming. I was delighted.

Most of my students know I do not specifically adore Christmas music. I guess the rules change when you have to sing it. And singing it for 3.5 months nonstop (and in my case, multiple times in several rehearsals a day) can be downright brutal. But listen — I ain’t grindin’ no ax. I love my job and my students too, though I’m sure they might very much like me to slip and fall off a pier some days. But he who say there is no fun to be had in public school, and that the youth of America have gone sour need only come out to my 30-by-60-foot cage next to the football stadium.

All right, enough of this happy carp. Time to gear up to do it all again tomorrow night for the middle school. Same circus, smaller clowns.

How’s yer Tuesday so far?

Fink out.

4 thoughts on “The oncoming light…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Heh heh. That’s a pretty tall order, too, Mathew, given your rather sucky semester. Hang in there, man.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ya know sweety…I never videotape my concerts. Never. I don’t know why, other than I’m afraid I’ll ruin the memory of what I thought was a good show by hearing how it actually sounded. HA


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