The thing about vacations

The thing about vacations is that they’re eventually over, and you have to go back to work. I’m OK with that.

OK, that’s a lie. Of course, most of you know that if I could, I’d retire tomorrow and be Grammie, bake things to sell and teach online as my fulltime job. But as I read in a depressing article last night, the latter won’t be happening anytime soon. Sobering. And you know, when you stop to think about it, the universities are making out like bandits: low salary payouts, no benefits…what’s not to love?


As I said yesterday, we’re in the final push to 20 December. My Christmas concerts are early this year: a first-time experiment. Usually, the singers aren’t ready until that last week of school. We’ll be pushing that deadline this year with concerts on the 10th and 12th, but I think they’ll do OK. I hope so. They should. They might. Yikes.

And even though I’m not thrilled about getting back into the old routine again, I am delighted for the Christmas season to be here! I’m looking forward to time with family, and I might squeeze some friend excursions in there as well. The dining room table serves as the parking lot for the gift deliveries that started yesterday…it’s all exciting.

What’s your favorite part of Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? I like the family get-togethers the best, of course, but I love the baking, the shopping, and, not surprisingly — Christmas break!

I really need to retire tomorrow. I can dream, can’t I? :-)

Fink, off to the showers and the school house

4 thoughts on “The thing about vacations

  1. kay

    When I figured out that I was earning $8.00/hr. teaching college voice and $25.00/hr. teaching private voice there were no questions as to how I was going to spend my time. The “prestige” of teaching at a university did not cover the pay deficit, the hassle of grades, recitals, juries, colleague issues and other expectations that were not paid. And when Bob considered leaving public education to go to the college level the pay cut would have been so massive that we could not have afforded to live. A very sad state of affairs – but sadly that is too true at all levels of education. :{

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It really is a shame, honestly. Do you think it makes a difference that K-12 teachers are organized, and college teachers aren’t? I can’t help but think it does in some way, but even at that, everybody makes a terrible wage…it’s just different flavors of crappy.

      I’m glad Bob didn’t jump ship. As you know, I seriously considered it, but backed out (for other reasons as well, but taking a likely $10-$20,000 annual pay cut was a big part of it). A friend just posted on Facebook yesterday that he has a couple of decades in the uni system, two masters degrees and a DMA, and *still* hasn’t busted through the $60K barrier. Unbelievable.


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