This could become a habit.

I daresay it already has. Good thing I’m between shows at the moment. Not sure what I’ll do when I don’t have an hour or two every night to scout out what’s available on Netflix. The streaming option is a dandy, although they need to step it up juuuuuust a bit on the offerings. Still, I’ve watched some great stuff on the streaming list, and I don’t mind waiting for the DVDs to arrive.

For those not hep to the Netflix savvy, the service allows you to check out DVDs with no return date and no penalty fees. (They just won’t send another one until you return the one you have.) All your movies/TV shows are listed and tracked in your queue. Mine looks like this:

I’m loving The Tudors. As some of you know, I enjoy historical aspects of the British monarchy, especially the period during the Renaissance. I even did a silly, yet mildly interesting post on Henry VIII a couple years ago. (Do you believe I’m talking about this blog in terms of  “years?” Yumpin’ Yiminy.)

Anyway. When you’re done watching your DVD, you drop it in the prepaid envelope that accompanies the disc, and as soon as they receive it at a local hub, they send out the next one in your queue. Ad infinitum. Love it.

I can watch on my desktop, netbook or laptop anytime, but what’s really neet is streaming the service through the TV: something that Finkite Rae’s boyfiend set up for us last week. (He’s a sweety.) We are really enjoying it. Right there, on the TV. Clicky, clicky. I feel like a big ol’ Jabba the Hutt. Pass me them chocolate bars and Jones potato chips and pigs-in-a-blanket.

I need a vacation. I don’t care that I’ve just had one; I want another one. I want the world. I want the whole world.

Veruca Salt

6 thoughts on “This could become a habit.

  1. Rae

    I laughed out loud at the Jabba the Hutt comment… and “I want the whole world”. I can just see your face with a slight but serious glare saying both of those phrases. [Yea, he is a sweetie. How’d I get so lucky, hm??]….

    1. Rae

      Oh….. and “could” become a habit? Could you cross the line?…. Sure. Look behind you… :) I try and stick with pulling movies out of the 90’s. When I was little, I started to make a list of all the movies I’d want to watch again. Can you imagine mine or your list now? Wowza…


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