Thunderbirds are go, regardless

Well, the Thriller wasn’t chosen for the clinical trial. It was a random selection process; they put his name in the hat and drew someone else’s. Boo.

A small setback, but I swear the man is made of titanium. He processed his disappointment, and now he’s ready to tackle the Opdivo treatment without the added experimental drugs. Today is the day — off to Cleveland this morning to begin.

We are kept afloat by all your support. A special shout goes to my sister Mavis, who has in almost every other way dropped her own life to be there for ours. That’s something you never pay back, because the cost is too high. When you look up information about someone with the spiritual gift of service, her picture is there.

And thanks to all of my fiends who subscribe to this little blog about nothing. You’re the beast! I will keep you posted on the Opdivo progress.

Much love,


14 thoughts on “Thunderbirds are go, regardless

  1. Suzanne

    Fingers crossed that the Opdivo treatment will help put the brakes on this nasty disease. You two are never far from my heart and thoughts!

  2. Darice

    “Trial? You don’t need no stinkin’ trial.” ;-) Sending positive vibes, safe travels, and good humor your way! Here’s to the swift success of Opdivo and #TeamThriller! <3

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Right?? He really has retained his sense of humor through this horrible thing — I think that’s what’s gotten us both through some of the rough days! Thanks Darice. We’ll keep you posted!

  3. Deb Clemons

    Keeping you all in my prayers. Prayers for strength and peace thru this process. Keep smiling! You both are amazing!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks Deb — and it was great to see you yesterday for a hug! <3 Prayers to you as you continue your own healing journey.

  4. Jarrod

    Keeping you all in my prayers. I am constantly amazing by The Thriller’s approach, but then not. I’ve never known him to shy from anything. What an inspiration both of you to the rest of us “mere mortals.” Love you both. And, the love I have for Mavis – well, that’s undeniable. Always has been. So thankful she can be there when some of us cannot.

    Keep fighting! Silly to say, but still feels important to utter.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It is not silly at all, J — it’s a fight right down to the wire. Thanks for coming along with us on this crazy trip. It means the world that you’re thinking of us and supporting us. I love you!

  5. David

    Well, disappointing for sure but TeamThriller is greater than any old experimental stuff anyway !

    You both remain prayed for, loved and thought of often! Anything! Anytime! Anywhere…

  6. Heidi

    Thanks for keeping us all updated Linda. Team Thriller stay strong, your prayer warriors are there for you. Im also of the belief that a positive attitude is part of the battle, Michael you are showing that, courage and more. May God’s blessings continue to be with you both! Much love

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you Heidi — I know you’re all too familiar with this battle, and we appreciate your reading along and especially your comments of encouragement!


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