Up from the grave

I’m redefining the term “long weekend,” but I think I’m starting to see the sunny side.

The best part of the weekend was getting rid of a kidney stone without going to the emergency room. *Score!* The second best was getting some work done. The absolute worst was not getting to see any of my grandchildren. But that part will be rectified, make no mistake. There are plans in the making.

With a family wedding and Dinner Theatre rehearsals this week, the next six days will fly by. Somewhere in there, I need to practice (I’m playing violin for the wedding ceremony) — I’m really just looking forward to the party afterwards! Yummy food and dancing.

Speaking of dancing, there’s one more feature to choreograph, so off I go, coughing all the way.

I hope you’re doing something relaxing today — grab the time while you can.


4 thoughts on “Up from the grave

  1. BoomR

    I hope you’ll be wearing your tap shoes at that wedding dance (and take pictures of said festivities)?!?!?!?!! :D


    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I will take fotos and share them here! (But the tap shoes are now put away for another year, thank the gods!!!)


  2. Mavis

    So happy that you’re starting to feel human again! The Browns winning their game today should perk you right up! :-)

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      It did for sure! It was like we won the Super Bowl, hahahaha

      Fact, I was so perky, I woke up at 2:30 a.m. and have been up ever since. It’s OK though — I only have rehearsal until 9:00 tonight. BLAH


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