Various & Sundry XXXIV

The first V & S post since April, just because I heart you. Well, that, and because it’s 4:45 on Saturday morning: perfect time for a lovely link salad.

  • Certainly, almost anything you need to know can be found on YouTube.
  • As many of you know, I like (or dislike) words because of mouth feel. Many on this list are cool indeed, as are some of the comments. Heh.
  • I know it’s being snarky about a serious issue, but I had to laff anyway, especially at the caption.
  • For all you visual learners out there.
  • ^5 to fellow werd nerds
  • I never knew about this. Did you? My research reveals some skepticism as well as supporting evidence, but boy they sure look real.
  • And there you have it.


Welp, it’s time for breakfast, then back upstairs to the spring cleaning project. Oh, yesterday our porch swing finally bit the dust. But no worries, we ordered one of these:

Now who’s going to come over and sit a spell? DD coffee is on the house.

5 thoughts on “Various & Sundry XXXIV

      1. Rat Fink Post author

        Thanks, doll! Nothing like it, I know. Even when it’s raining, we can enjoy the outside. Now if only the porch swing hadn’t collapsed to the floor with me on it…

        Yeeps! :-(

  1. Hannah

    The picture of the red bench reminds me of a saying my mom used to say to us…. the conversation usually went like this:

    Us: Mom, whatcha doing?
    Mom: Sittin’ on a red bench…
    Us. Can I join?
    Mom: sure….


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