What’s the buzz?

Tell me what’s a-happening. (Great song.)

I haven’t heard from many of my RtB fiends for awhile. Must be that the holiday season is taking up more and more space in people’s lives. I know it is with mine. But hey, looky here now. We went from this on 18 October:

To this, last night:


The Thriller and I went over the work (Seamus is coming today to do the same), and we saw no flaws at all. In fact, the front end seams look cleaner than I’ve ever seen them. Different body shop than last two times = happiness.

Only bad part? They put the Chevy bowtie emblem back on the front grille. Removing that today, not because I dislike Chevrolet, but because I like the mystery of a “debadged” vechicle. (I love the looks we get on the interstate and at stoplights…What kinda car IS that? Heh.)

Check it out. Mama Fink sayin’ debadged. Swagga.

So when you’ve had your coffee, tell me your plans for the weekend. A little Yuletide comment love will go a long way.

28 thoughts on “What’s the buzz?

  1. Bando

    I haven’t had my coffee yet, because mine is coming at District Festival auditions this morning. (You know you want to go.) Have a solo gig down at the Temple tomorrow, and that will probably end up a bit like your “The hour of eleven….” gig. It could be a good time for all the wrong reasons. Other than that, we’re just finishing up Christmas decorating around the house and trying to gear up for the final push to concert week.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      The hourrrrr of elevennnnn has a special significance…..


      Knock ’em dead on your concerts. When are they? Mine are 12th and 14th.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Oh, you’ll likely see it again, Maelea. The Thriller calls the Finkmobile “the devil car.” He thinks it’s possessed with all manner of bad juju, and that it’s only a matter of time before it decides completely on its own to jump into the nearest ravine. My days are numbered…

  2. Mavis

    The skateboard looks fab!! Now, somebody needs to tell the deer to stay clear! :-)

    We have the tree up and decorated. Very festive in here!

    Looking forward to our Wally run today. See you at noon, Bird-O-Mine!!!

  3. Lori

    Spent the evening last night at IPFW (Indiana U./Purdue U at Fort Wayne). Our kids’ jazz band played the “Holiday Swing” concert with the IPFW Jazz Ensemble. They could use a good jazz singer to teach them a thing or two. Want to move to The Fort? My youngest, Casey, was doing a bit of vocal improv with my carol singing in the car the other day. We decided that next time he’s chosen to do a trombone solo (which he’s not at all comfortable with), he’s going to lower his horn and SING!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Now how cool is that — a trombone player who sings jazz too! I hear there’s lots of good VJ going on west of here. I’d move in a NY minute, if anyone could meet my demands! (Move my grandchildren with me, double my salary…you know, little stuff like that.)

  4. Meg

    It’s almost 1:oo in the afternoon and I am just now having my coffee. Ha, it’s Saturday.
    And since you asked, today I have a ballroom dance lesson on campus (which I have been loving), then christmas shopping and a lebanese dinner with housemates. And maybe if there’s time I will study for finals. Maybe. Have a great weekend, Fink! xoxo

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hey, sounds like you’re jumping into the holiday season with all 4 paws. We need to get together over Christmas break for a cuppa, if you’re up to it!

  5. Hannah

    Right now I am working on an Extra Credit Biology project. I hate Science. Then I have a game tonight. My weekend is pretty boring….. happens though I guess. :) Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll talk to some of my friends on Facebook that live far away :)

  6. PKPudlin

    Just got back from a totally awesome studio recital. Everyone did so well!! So nice to just sit back and listen to them make beautiful music. The culmination of a great deal of work, lemmetellya!

    Tomorrow, it’s back to rehearsal, but for now I’m just baskin’ in the glow….

    De-badge? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges anyhoo….

    PK – all happy and stuff….

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      How did I know you’d throw a Mel Brooks in there?? :-) And congrats on your studio recital! (I wondered if that’s where you were…) You enjoy it all weekend, luv. Monday comes around too soon anyhow!

  7. BoomR

    Yo-YO, maaah homie sistah wit-da swagga YO! Checkit OWWwoouut!! OOooo SNAP! What-it T-I-is! Yo ride got da flava YO! :D

    I’m going to a camera show today – they’re doing some seminars & one of them is using your DSLR camera for video productions! I also did a little research & discovered that my soon-to-be camera purchase also qualifies for sales tax exemption under the same rules music, film, and video producers here have in TX :-) So that’ll save me a little scratch!

    Happy de-badging & enjoy your Sunday!! xoxoxo

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      She is all debadged and back to looking sassy, thank you, Flava Flav. :D

      Let me know what you end up getting! How you find all these cool stipulations is beyond me; hmmm…maybe you are one of the 17 people worldwide who actually read the fine print?? HA

      Love you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Why thank ya rat kindly, friend. A few more trips to Huron County and back oughta cure that, though. The deer…they will find me.

  8. RD

    The car looks great. Did it pass the inspection of Seamus? Who did the work (if you’re comfortable identifying it on this forum)?

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, RD, and yes it did! He was completely satisfied. Johnson’s (in the old Donley Ford building on 4th St.) did the work. We are very pleased!


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