
Not overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but somewhere in between.

Another pothole in the Thriller’s path appeared over the weekend, and landed him back in the hospital. It seems that since he started the Opdivo, he’s coughed/choked more. Of course, this isn’t a complete surprise, as Opdivo’s side effects include worsening cough, and even worsening of the cancer for a time.

But something in the way he was coughing, combined with his weakness and complete loss of appetite, suggested there might be other chicanery at work behind the scenes. As it turned out, there was.

A CT scan revealed that part of his right lung had collapsed. The delicate, sponge-like material of the middle lobe couldn’t withstand the weight of all the secretions this disease (and emphysema) produces. We asked the ER doc what he thought, and he said he wouldn’t advise going home. He called Dr. Velcheti and reached his colleague, who said “bring him in.” So, after an interminable wait for an open bed, they transported him to the Cleveland Clinic, and that’s where he is this morning.

Last night was rough; he got very little sleep, apparently, and he’s hearing more wheezing in his lungs. We meet Dr. Stevenson (pulmonologist) at 11 this morning to discuss the path forward. I hope I can bring the Thriller home with a nebulizer and some meds and get through this thing so it doesn’t upset the Opdivo schedule. Last night before I left, we were told by the nursing staff that Opdivo treatments were on hold till they got the pneumonia issue sorted, because it could be fatal at this stage. I understand that, and I’m glad they are once again exercising caution.

So the whelmed factor is not a deal breaker. In fact, it makes us more determined to sailor through this and get on the other side so the Opdivo can happen on Wednesday.

That’s the update from the high seas today. Happy Monday, fiends! I hope all is well with you.


15 thoughts on “Whelmed

  1. Suzanne

    Thanks for the update, Fiend. Fingers crossed that Thriller can get some relief and soon!

    Hugs and kisses for you both. XOXO

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      How I wish they’d let pups visit! Or at least Pax…Remy would have a complete breakdown from all the “peopleness.” hahaha Hugs PK

  2. David

    Team Thriller always in my heart and in my prayers! Appreciate the update Ms Fink so as to be direct in praying!
    Drive On Thriller! ??

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Gracias, dear friend — and the same, right back atya. Thinking of you every day. Cancer isn’t gonna stop an old sailor — *or* an old soldier. <3

  3. RD

    Cancer treatment often has bumps in the road to recovery. However, it remains a road to recovery. Love, prayers, positive thoughts and vibes to both of you. #Team Thriller headed to recovery.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      So true, friend. Thanks for always being there. You came up in conversation the other day — and I said nice things! :-D Love ya.

  4. Deb Clemons

    Prayers being said for you both. Hope all goes well so opdivo can continue. Sending positive thoughts and many hugs your way…keep smiling!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thank you Debi — and thanks also for joining me here on my little blog about nothing. So glad to have reconnected after all these years!


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