Wild Weekend

I gotta get in shape or somethin.

When people tell you that grandchildren wear them out — believe it. It’s the good kind of worn out, though. I guess I should say they keep me young. Or wishing I was.

I think back to when Seamus and Lars were little and I wonder how I pulled it off, day after day after day. Then I go, “Ahhh…you were 24. No wonder it was easier.” A quarter-century later — not so good. Still, we loved every minute of Jake this weekend. We went to the park, played in the back yard, read a gazillion books, played the piano, took a walk, grocery shopped, chased each other around, antagonized Rousseau, and played cars.

At 10 p.m., he rested.

I’m upset that my photos of the Thriller’s birthday bash didn’t turn out very well. My Storm and the red walls of my dining room didn’t play well together. Shoulda used the regular camera instead. Suffice it to say that it was a fabulous feed, and the birthday boy got lots of great gifts, not the least of which was getting to spend several hours with the family, which we don’t get to do nearly often enough. Thanks to all the RtB fiends who wished him a happy birthday, too. I think he’s finding that 58 isn’t so bad after all, which bodes well for the rest of us. (Except if you’re RD, in which case you’ve been there and done that. :-))

Fink (I make “old” jokes whilst I still may because time’s running) out.

9 thoughts on “Wild Weekend

  1. Suzanne

    Awww great pics, especially the sleeping one. Kids are so sweet when they sleep *wink*

    So what did Stargate get from you and what kind of cake was there?

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Girl, the cake was fantastic! Chocolate/chocolate, made by our friend Jane (Jake/Justin’s other Grammie).

      I got him a WalletBe and a new chain saw. Since he’s going to uni full time next month, Kay and Bob got him a “back-to-school” kit: crayons, glue, pencils…

      The fam were really good to him, too. DVDs, clothes, pipe tobacco, lottery tickets, gardening gloves, gift cards…he was spolt!

      I loved your Indiana photos!

      1. Suzanne

        MMMMM chocolate on chocolate!! Sounds deevine. Never heard of a WalletBe, very cool! It sounds like SG had a nice day (along with everyone else).

  2. Hiltbrunner

    What kind of chainsaw?

    I just got rid of some family.

    9 in all were up…3 Eleven years old and 1 was 4.

    A handful…yes.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Sounds like you had fun! I dunno…one of those gas-powered ones. Lars picked it out – I just said “Sure, that’s the one he’ll like” and paid for it. HA

  3. RD

    I’m enjoying my retirement so much that I’m just now getting caught up on your blogs. Yes, I’ve experienced taking care of grandkids. Last summer we had the four youngest ones for four days. We were pooped afterwards. But, as you said, it’s a good tired. BTW, we just received news that we have another grandchild on the way. There’s also life after 58. As you so artfully pointed out, I can speak from experience about that. I’m glad that Thriller had a great party, and wish a blessed year ahead for him.


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