Monthly Archives: October 2008

Cool TV IV

I have to get back to watching Boston Legal. <– Check out the autoplay video about the next episode. Awesome. Remember Annie Potts from the old Designing Women series? She’s the evil sister in the clip — a couple of facelifts later.

TRO had this on his blog last night:

Heh. Vintage Denny. I don’t know why I stopped watching it. I like James Spader. He’s definitely changed, though (as we all do, and since I’m a year older than he, it’s probably a year truer in my case).

So yeah, I like him — but I used to *love* him. He was dreamy. Especially in his Sex, Lies & Videotape and Stargate days.

I know…we all get older. I’m still trying to convince myself of it. But can you blame a girl for missing the old James?

Have a good Thursday – tomorrow’s Finkday, yippy. Almost the weekend.

Photo credits:,,,

Weird Wednesday

Welcome to WW. I should make this a new category, because really, as difficult as it may be for you to believe…people are awfully strange sometimes.

Today’s weirdness: Jose Canseco.

Why was Jose smuggling fertility drugs across the Mexican border into the US? Gee, I wonder. How about just because he’s a nice guy and wanted to help doctors in San Ysidro dispense the medicine to childless couples? Or maybe his wife wants to conceive and he’s short on cash for a fertility clinic visit. Yeah, that’s probably it.

Because it most certainly wouldn’t be because the drug “helps restore production of testosterone lost in steroid users,” now would it? Actually, it would. And the man’s not ashamed to admit it. He loves what steroids have done to his body and his life. In this disturbing 2005 review of his book, Juiced, Bryan Curtis pretty much sums it up: the guy is bizarre. In fact, the more I read about him, the more my creepy meter jumps.

Can’t put my finger on why, exactly, other than quotes like this, perhaps:

Certain steroids, used in proper combinations, can cure certain diseases. Steroids will give you a better quality of life and also drastically slow down the aging process. I’m forty years old, but I look much younger.”

Well, rock on. I’m sure the WWE was happy to hear that. And Lyle Alzado might agree, too (but you know, we can’t ask him now).

Maybe it’s just that Jose doesn’t have a healthy self-image. He wants to make sure he retains his girlish figure. So, you know, he might someday look like the picture of natural beauty.

Yeah. Love me some weirdos.

Fink out.

PS – This just in. More weirdness, but not of the gross-out kind. Check out Math Chuckleheads from Forbes magazine. Heh.

Well, whaddya know…

That was worth staying up late for, and dragging it out of bed with even less sleep than normal.

When all hope was just about lost, and when the season was on the line in game 5, the Brownies pulled it off. They beat the undefeated Super Bowl champion New York Giants. I collapsed on the floor and sobbed.

Whether or not the season falls to crap from here on out, or if we’re relegated (once again) to saying, “Meh, maybe next year” come December, this one will still have been fun. The Browns have stunk up the joint on national TV for several years running now; it was nice to see something positive for a change.

So shines a good deed in a weary world.


Photo credit:

Jim Brown’s Smackdown

This was a great article. To me, the man summed up the whole professional sports attitude from the 1980s to the present.

Somebody made the mistake of asking legendary Cleveland Browns running back Jim Brown to expound on a comment he’d recently made about flamboyant (and in the case of this particular interview, African American) NFL players. Said Jim:

“They don’t study and read. If they understood history, they would never shake their butts in the end zone.”

Yikes. But what he said next might make even the most jaded cynic wince:

“To shake your butt is to regress. It’s buffoonery. It’s me-ism. There’s no getting around it–it’s putting gasoline on the fire of stereotypes. When we were growing up in the ’50s and ’60s, we spent every day of our lives fighting stereotypes, all the shucking and jiving and cartoon dancing routines that black people were forced to do.”

He went on to name (some really big) names, and said his piece about them as well.

By all means, ridiculous behavior on the part of professional athletes is not limited to one particular racial sector. Indeed, there are all kinds of schmuckery in pro sports, just like in real life. It was interesting to read about a true sports legend taking a hard-line stance on what the profession has become.

The article is here if you want to read it.

Photo credit:

Various & Sundry V

  1. Have you heard about this? Or is the commenter correct in suggesting the writer take an early retirement? (Me no likey Boston anyhow, for myriad reasons.)
  2. If I lost $3 million from my NBA contract and was suspended for 30 games for this reason, I’d consider lying about it, too.
  3. I have a friend who swears that monogamy is a misguided and unnatural convention. Now I read this in the Times book review. Hmmmm.
  4. This is an opera I’d like to see.
  5. In a Reuters story, the question was asked: What are you doing to deal with the financial crisis? Some guy wrote, “We are eating out less, delaying capital purchasing, planning less [sic] and shorter vacations, reducing gifts at holiday time, wearing older cloths [sic] and not replenishing wardrobe, washing my own car, cutting our own lawn, raking our own leaves, cleaning our own gutters, painting ourselves instead of hiring a painter, consuming more leftovers…” Gee. Wonder if he’ll be able to handle slumming in its most insipid form. You know, taking 4-day weekenders instead of 2-week vacations, mowing his own lawn, doing his own leaf-raking ‘n stuff…man, life can be brutal.

Sheesh. Now I’m just making myself mad. Gotta get to the Power Pointing. If anyone is an Excel wizard, I need to analyze some data on a Likert scale. Any takers? But first, I have to leap off this skyscraper…
