Monthly Archives: October 2010

And the award goes to…

…Bernard Sadow. I’ll bet this is his favorite Gershwin tune:

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round.
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound.
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother when they said that man could fly.
They told Marconi wireless was a phony, it’s the same old cry.

When Bernie took his idea for suitcases on wheels to major retailers in New York City back in 1970, they thought he was nuts.

He’d received an epiphany while standing in line at customs in Puerto Rico and watching a man move some machinery on a wheeled platform:

I said to my wife, That’s what we need! We need wheels on luggage.”

Macy’s finally saw the light, and the rest is history. Where would we be without these wheely wonders today? Schlepping our stuff a lot slower. And it’s such a simple concept; one that definitely belongs in the “Wish I’d Thought of That” category, ja? Yep, happy birthday to luggage on wheels.

Who’s got the last laugh now?

It’s Wednesday. We’re halfway there, luvs.


I’m out.

Not that kind of out — as in outta here. Rather, I mean time, patience, energy, ambition, ideas, sync, room, sorts. Otherwise, things are just dandy.

J’ever get that way? What do you do when it happens? It’s a coping skill I’ve yet to master. It is difficult for me to look at people around me who seem to have their schedule/life/affairs in such great symbiosis, while I continue to flail around like a trout on a boat deck. (It’s not really that bad, but sometimes it seems like it.)

Some would say I am over-committed, over-stretched, and under-organized. Maybe I should just be committed. :-)

I covet your thoughts on handling insanity, outside of finding a conveniently located bridge from which to fling myself. Metaphorically, of course.

PS – Loved all your suggestions from yesterday. See how fantastic you are?

One month from today…

…my show opens.

And if that isn’t enough to make me want to yak, I’ve been fighting the dreaded sick headache this morning. What is up with that? I only have rehearsals till 8:30 tonight.

Isn’t it funny how a having a headache makes it easier to complain about things not even headache-related? Hmm.

OK, here’s a task for today (speaking of non sequitur). Add to this list:

Things in the US and Canada to Do or See Before You Die

I’ll start.

  1. The Grand Canyon
  2. New York City
  3. Niagara Falls

Ready, steady, go. You’re helping to plan a future vacation.

Fink out (to the kitchen for aspirin)

English is a dreadful thing

I give all manner of props to people and businesses in foreign countries who make an effort to communicate with English speakers. Ours is a hideously convoluted language with ridiculous rules and even more ridiculous exceptions. Cripes, our own citizens can’t master it, so how can we expect others to do so?

Still — and I’ll probably reap bitter karma for this — I died laughing at some of these. From the Cheezburger Network people, photographs of signs in non-English-speaking countries:






Tee hee. Juvenile chicanery from the Fink. I am ashamed of myself.

OK not really. :P

Hey, guess what day it is. Wahooty-hoo.