No, I’m not referring to Michael Jordan’s jersey or the 23 enigma. There’s just something I like about the number 23 today. Can you guess what it is? I’m sure you can.
I find I’m making this statement more often these days: I’ve never been much of a ‘day counter,’ but this year I am. There are 23 days of school left, and yes, I am counting. I am counting for many reasons. Maybe I’m just getting older and smelling the finish line, you know? I never used to think about it, really.
Well I’m thinking about it now.
I love my students and the work they do. Everyone knows that, I hope. I have a great relationship with many of my colleagues, some of whom I consider to be dear friends. I view everyone else as just people doing their jobs. And everyone looks forward to quittin’ time, right? So there you go. I’m ready to fire up that pickup truck and let the horses run.
Twenty-three days. Then the Thriller and I get our summer on, along with many of you. Speaking of summer — what are your plans? Where are you going and what are you doing? When will you do it, and with whom? What will you eat and is there any for me? I will live vicariously through your chocolate experiences. I covet your thoughts, so feel free to share so I can envy you. That, and I’m just nosy.
Fink, all up in yer business