I ponder something this day. I wonder how many people:
- Don’t care to comment on a blog post, even if they have strong opinions or would normally contribute a comment if it weren’t in writing
- Are afraid/intimidated to comment on a blog post, mostly because of the “retribution” factor
- Just enjoy being anonymous and having a (hopefully) good read, and not feeling responsible for advancing the discourse
- Think I’m just cute
My blog stats regularly show between 70 and 150 unique visitors a day (I know — not much on a worldwide scale, but you could say quantity isn’t everything), and very few of them come from search engines, with the exception of about a dozen or so who arrive at the site looking for images (which is why I give most of my images non-descriptive names). In other words, most of my hits arrive with “no referring link” — that is, they access the site from a bookmark or by typing finkweb.org into the location bar.
But only a handful of those readers actually comment. And, for those who are blog-savvy, commenting is what keeps a blog moving forward; alive. And I must admit, it’s my absolute favorite part of this little endeavor — even more than my writing. I am a textbook extrovert, which means I draw my energy from others. I live for the repartee, don’t you know.
So, all together now, let’s play us a game. [Regular RtB commenters, please get the ball rolling here, k?] I’d like to see how many lurkers we can draw out of the shadows. If nothing else, it’ll give me a better idea of who comes knocking in Finkville.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to share the following, to the extent with which you are comfortable:
- Your state (geographical, as opposed to, like, dazed — and if not US, your country)
- What you do for a living (laborer, homemaker, student, retired, yadda)
- An interesting fact about you (a hobby, an accomplishment, a research interest, you once sang in a boy band, etc.)
I will respond to everyone’s contribution, and I hope others will respond to them as well. The result: some fun banter, some new information about Finkites, and probably some funny exchanges here and there.
Because I’ve been around the internet block a couple-a times, I know there are people who might be untruthful or silly, but that’s just taking the wheat with the chaff, and I’m fine with that. It’ll still reveal some interesting stuff.
So….ready, steady, go! I’ll start.
- Ohio
- High school choral director/Musician
- In 1973, I won my 8th grade spelling bee. Mrs. Lewis, my English teacher (Mickey Finn, do you remember her? She was my fave teacher EVER–largely responsible for my love of reading and writing), gave me my very own copy of The Andromeda Strain as a prize. I felt like I’d won a gold medal at the Olympics.
LeFink *poof*
Yay, I’m first!
1- Ohio
2- Student for the next eight years. O.o
3- I’m almost terrified of heights but love repelling. The first time I did was last summer in Assisi on a one-hundred foot tower, and I loved it.
I think that’s really cool that you are terrified of heights but like to repel. What are you going to be studying for the next 8 years? Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too!
I have two years of high school, and then I have at least 6 years of college if I can take all of my programs.
Yay! I’m second!
1. The great state (and soon maybe independent republic) of Texas.
2. Technical trainer & professional musician
3. I lived in Hawaii for 6 years (on the island of Maui) & played in a country-western band there.
And didn’t you guys play with Don Ho at one time…or at the place he owned er somethin? I can’t recall. But I remember seeing pictures of you from those days!
It was a colleague of Don’s – named Buddy Fo. The gig was at the Maui Tropical Plantation & called, “The Hawaiian BBQ Show”
Go figure!
Yay! Third isn’t so bad!
1. Ohio
2. Homemaker/Family Hound
3. I once got a news station in Gainesville, Florida to change the entire format of their news program. I felt they weren’t sending the right message to young people, so I called them on it. The next night – it was all a different “story”. One voice CAN make a difference in the vast blue and green.
That’s our Mavis! And it wasn’t the last time you had your say with the media, now was it?!?? HA
1. Ohio, though this morning, dazed fits just as well
2. Band director masquerading as a school choir director
3. My freshman year, I placed second in the state in the Ohio Tests of Scholastic Achievement, first-year French test. I wish I had occasion to use the language more.
I worship you. (But you knew that.)
Gettin’ on the bandwagon.
1. North Carolina
2. CEO, Instructor and overall Queen at Melody Music Studio; piano and voice. Also Minister of Music at Prince of Peace Episcopal Church.
3. In my former life, I was a neonatal nurse practitioner. In 1983, I worked at Loma Linda University Medical Center, and one of my little patients was born with a fatal heart defect. The doctors there transplanted a baboon heart into her to buy her some time until a donor could be found. She lived for 10 more days and eventually died, but we probably learned more from Baby Fae in those 10 days than we had learned in the past 10 years. RIP Fae, and Thank You.
I SO remember Baby Fae! Cool that you were involved in that. That was international news, as I recall.
1. The Netherlands, but born and raised in Michigan, also lived in CA
2. I am a postal carrier here. Worked as a teacher (music and then first grade) in CA.
3. In 1974 I got caught in a tornado. Obviously I lived.
Thanks Mrs. Postbode! (I love speekin me some Dutch)
1. Ohio
2. Neurosurgeon (sp?) / Carbon Brush Salesman
3. I am the youngest son of a famous blogger. Went to Alaska for my honeymoon last September, the most amazing topography I have ever seen or laid foot upon. You cannot put the vastness of that place into words. We got the chance to ride horseback through a huge glacial valley, one of the greatest things I have had the opportunity to do.
Alaska is truly incredible. It is a trip everyone should get the opportunity to take!
>I don’t think you can drive there, Finkdawg.
Har HAR! I would SWIM it my own bad self. Water doesn’t scare me. (Well, actually, it does…)
Actually you can drive to Alaska via the ALCAN Highway that runs from BC Canada to Whitehorse, AK… I believe.
I just say “brain doctor.”
RF luvs her baby boy, lemmetellya.
Thanks for your efforts to increase the dialogye. BTW, I love reading your blog. I’ll chime in on what you suggested:
1. Long time Buckeye, but now back and forth between Ohio and Florida.
2. Now retired after more than 40 years in service to the church. Continuing in other ministry.
3. My hobby is officiating basketball, which I’ve done for 21 years and hope to continue. I love the sport of basketball, and this keeps me involved in it plus having the opportunity to meet a lot of great people.
Hey RD – I happen to think it’s wonderful that you’re keeping up with your BB officiating. Didn’t you tell me you moved your license to Florida?
1. Ohio
2. Student, of the Buckeye variety
3. I was born premature with underdeveloped lungs (wouldn’t believe that now!) and spent the first 4 weeks of my life in the neonatal intensive-care unit.
Nope – you wouldn’t believe that now! Couldn’t tell it with that gawgeous voice, henny.
I’m a little slow this morning.
1. Oh-HI-Oh
2. Forever a permanent student. Woot woot
3. Got recognized as defensive player of the year, 1st team all district, 1st team all conference and academic, and broke the RBI record as a sophomore on the Varsity softball team. I ain’t too shabby of a player. I love the sport.
Actually, there’s a whole bunch of stuff you ain’t too shabby at, girlfriend.
to be honest, ive had strep for a week and ive read every blog post you had on here, ive been laughing for days! and ive never had time to comment….
2. junior at schs. a proud choir student
3. ive had a choir class with the fink for 6 years now?
Ha! Now knock me over with a feather! I didn’t know you were lurking in the corner, Mr. O’Brien. Welcome! Hope you’re feeling better. (And yep, I’ve had ya since you were a darling little 10-year-old.)
1. California
2. Actor, producer, writer and director.
3. I once dislocated my shoulder when I fell through a rotting floor in a building in Germany while scouting locations with Steven Spielberg for “Band of Brothers”.
And I thought David So*l was the only famous person to find RtB…
1. OH-IO
2. I make pizza… and dabble in Wizardry. That’s more of a hobby than a career plan, though.
3. I played in Chinese fellow in two different plays at good ol’ SCHS.
And quite well, I may add.
Here here!
1. Ohio
2. Fortune cookie writer and retired conlinguist
3. In 2001 I won 1st place at an Ohio Jr. Talent Show for miming and 2nd for Best Male Solo. (Truth)
Second place?? Sacre bleu!
I too will play along – games are great fun!
1. Ohio/Slovenia
2. Singer, voice teacher, English teacher, gardener, wanna be writer, blogger and a new direction with big plans for making garden art [can’t figure out what I want to be when I grow up]
3. Can’t think of anything extra special – everything has been special
I’m tellin ya sweetness…the book. THE BOOK has to happen.
1. Ohio
2. teacher, drama director, gardener in training, grandma.
3. Once I was so close to Jerry Seinfeld in concert I saw his sweaty face. That is all I can say. I just realized I am pretty uninteresting.
Oh no. You are amazing, dahling. Who else would put up with my crazy attitude for 10 years running?? Hmm?
1. Ohio
2. Student
3. When I was a baby the doctor’s thought I was handicapped. When I was 2 week’s old I stopped breathing on my mom and had to Emergency Room. I was diagnosis with Apnea. I had to wear all kinds of tubes and monitor’s to make sure i kept on breathing.
Well I for one am glad the doc knew what he/she was doing, Maelea. You’re a great kid.
hmmmmm… I choose to comply.
1. Ohio born, Ohio bread…
2. Band director, jazzer, coach, freelance musician.
3. My family has a long history of musicianship and teaching. The name “Stein” in the area of my youth will bring about some sort of story in nearly everybody. My father is an orchestra director, piano tuner/tech, and cellist. My grandfather is a retired band director. (He is partially responsible for building up the now state grand-champion Shawnee Indians band program.) My great-grandfather played piano in the days of the speak-easies in Cleveland.
You’re so nice when you comply. Pity I can’t get you to behave in school, Grumpasaurus.
1. Ohio
2. Band director
3. I can play horn parts on my trombone without transposing….(while sightreading)
And I worship you too, handsome. (But you knew that.)
Okay, I’ll bite.
1. Amongst 150,000 chickens and 2,000 hogs. Otherwise known has the boonies, or Shiloh, Ohio.
2.) Student at Ashland, and because of the debtor to many student loan companies, along with Store Associate at Office Max.
3.) I guess you could say I had a dictatorship in High School…title being Stage Manager. I haven’t had a Krispy Kreme since January 6th, 2009…and I’ve lost 45 pounds (not related to the doughnut consumption, though interesting they were together). Hmm…interesting….I will put Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce on everything at least once.
I still wear the KK t-shirt you bought me all those years ago, David! WTG on the weight loss as well — you are an inspiration!
I figured you had worn it out by now. I still have my original somewhere…probably should frame it.
We’ll have to get together sometime in Ashland whenever you find the very elusive…”free time.” I cannot believe those words were spoken.
Okay here we go Jax
I now live in Arizona/Nevada I guess it depends on what side of the river I am on(that the Colorado River, and well if I drive about 5 min west I am in California.
I am a teacher of Mathematics (even out here
I just moved to Arizona about three weeks ago. I drove a 26 foot u-haul, with a 12 foot trailer for 2400 miles from Ohio where I was born and lived for the first 32 years of my life. That was an experience.
And now you start another adventure, my fiend. I got your mail awhile back – thanks for the address! I’ll send you some pictures of the first day back so you can miss us all the more.

Best of luck, Mathman! Yer the best.
Hey Lil’ Finkster, you know that your blog is my fav. I must apologize though..I do not remember Mrs. Lewis…the memory goes after you turn 50…get ready, your time is coming!!! HA!!! Anyway, here goes…
1) Florida
2) Music teacher / Professional musician
3) I rock climbed in Colorado, at 8,000 feet elevation…and I’m still alive to talk about it!!!
Why thank you, MF. And if I remember right, you had someone else for English class in 8th grade, so no worries. Besides, if you’d had Pauline, you would have remembered her!
And ew. Me no likey climby rocky.
RF, scaredy cat
Replying 12 days late but ehh.
1. Dayton, OH
2)Bookseller/College Student and both seem like things I’ve been doing way too long.
3) I was born in the wagon of a traveling show, my momma used to dance for the money they’d throw. Papa would do what ever he could. Preach a little gospel. Sell a couple bottle of doctor good.
I might add that I’ve used the last one in classes where the prof wants us to say something interesting about myself at least four or five times and at least one person always takes it seriously. But the real interesting fact is that I can wiggle my ears.