19 thoughts on “Oh my goodness

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Hahaha — well Meggly, there is a “School Edition” that is super cleaned-up. The raunchiness of the stage play made the show an utter impossibility until this edition came out. (If it existed before, I didn’t know about it.) A bunch of grads (both past and upcoming) are crying “foul,” so don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. HA


  1. Will

    The important question I have: Are you going to treat it like a parody of the fifties like the original production or a loving nostalgia trip like the movie?

  2. Maelea

    I for one and super excited to perform in this next year!!!! The crowd has been waiting for this for a very long time! Time to make the crowd super happy! :)

  3. Sammie

    Grease will out do everyone we have done so far, the cast will be young but we are gonna rock it, it always turns out great :)


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