One down…

…a hundred to go.

Last night’s first Grease rehearsal was fun. It’s a fine cast, full of nice people who I’m sure will work hard. The pit will be a blast; I finally got my guitar player, and it will be fun to work with some colleagues (and #1 Son on drums) again. Rock und roll.

With craziness from now through the weekend with rehearsals, appointments and my muzik geek convention coming up, I am going to be one ratty fink. A little LINsanity of my own. Heh.

Happy Tunesday — I have to get this Root Touch-Up out of my hair. Ugh. /me hates gray. Does everyone (well, except Suzanne!) have Presidents Day off?

3 thoughts on “One down…

  1. Mavis

    So excited to see the show! Glad you found a guitar player, and YAY for Seamus on the drums! It’s such a fun show and the kids will be brilliant.

    As a matter of fact – I DO have President’s Day off. :-) Big Hugs, Bird!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks, Mavis! They do work hard — most of the time, HA. Looking forward to having you come to the show! XO


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