The push to Thursday

Hey, Wednesday is tomorrow. After tomorrow night, I am concert-free for awhile. Well, until next week’s nursing home gig, but that will be fun and relaxing. Then there’s the Cavs game in March, followed by May: the Month from Hades. But let’s not think about that today. There is much Christmasing to be done.

Last night’s concert went quite well, despite having a 6-foot 6-inch young man pass out on the top row (thank heavens for safety rails on the back of my riser sections). He’d just flown in from basketball practice, and was exhausted and probably dehydrated. The kids around him handled it well, as did the audience. And a great audience it was — polite, quiet and respectful of the kids. Thumbs way up.

Middle school concert tomorrow, then it’s smoooooth sailin’, cap’n. Bring on the Christmas music.

Ack, what am I saying?


Do. You. Have. Your. Shopping. Done. Fiends?

9 thoughts on “The push to Thursday

  1. Will

    Got to buy a tin of Paprika and a pound of Christmas blend for the parents and get it sent out today but that’s it then. Glad to hear that the concert went well. Those risers we had back when you first came to SC would have resulted in that kid getting very hurt. Also, considering how bad they were, it might have brought them down all together.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      I was just thinking about those risers the other day. Nothing at all in the back. We used those for the first two years I was at SC, before I said “We’re not doing this anymore.” The safety issue I included in the proposal was what really got the request pushed through quickly. A district that does not use safety-equipped risers nowadays is just asking for trouble.

      What delightful gifts for your parents! I hope your mom is doing well. Please tell her hello for me next time you speak with her!

  2. PKPudlin

    One more little pocket wallet to make for daughter #2. This one will feature the AF logo. I found the embroidery file online for FREE! She’d better like it OR ELSE. Then I think I’m done except for the odd gift card.

    This year it was hand-stitched ornaments made from Swarovski crystals in the shape of tiny snowflakes. Quick to make up and really pretty. That and the above-mentioned wallet and sundry snowflake or jingle bell-themed jewelry were on the agenda this year. Gets my brain in the zen-mode-alpha-wave state, which is my only oasis in the middle of all this December performance madness.

    Don’t know which is worse: December-brain, senior-brain or soprano-brain. Definitely having all three at once these days.

    PK – off for another session with Rosie- my therapist who looks like a sewing machine.

  3. Suzanne

    Ooo scary, the young man falling!! I always had to stand on the back riser and hated it–I had nightmares about falling!

    I hope to get some baking done this weekend, we don’t “do” gifts (thank goodness), and I need to decide on menus so I can get food items at the store or ordered at the butcher. That and deliver oodles and oodles of Christmas Cards!!! It’s been pouring down rain all week and looks to stay same. Glad I have good rain clothes!

    Enjoy your last days until VAYKAY!!! Day-Twah here you come!!!!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Sounds delicious! Are you going to make the little turkey roast, or did you decide on some other feast beast?

      I can imagine the volume of Christmas cards. I’ll bet postbodes all over the world dread these last dozen days. I’m looking forward to vacation in a huge way, you have NO idea. I’m just glad concerts are now over for another Christmas. Huzzah! Can’t wait till Christmas Eve to have all the kids over (seems like I never see them). Then — Day-Twah, Yay-Twah!


  4. RD

    Congrats on a great concert, and on soon, and very soon, having Christmas concerts completed. I haven’t done any Christmas shopping at all — too busy officiating basketball games–seven this week. I did put up external Christmas lights around the soffit of our front porch at the request of Momma. If Momma is happy ……. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Soon and very soon is now HERE! YaaaaAaAaAay

      Thanks, luv. Concerts went fine, and now it’s the big push to the last day of school on the 22nd. Can’t come soon enough.

      And what’s this not getting any shopping done? This will never do, Granddad. (But how accurate would it be to surmise that Bonnie does most of it anyway, hmmmmm?? :-) )

      If Momma is happy, all is well with the world. After 50-some years of marriage, have we learnt this yet? HAA

      Merry Christmas and much love to you!


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