Thunderbirds are “go.”

We’re tired, we’re a trifle loopy, and maybe a little sadder along with the wiser. But we are going to be ready to open tomorrow.

After an intense but productive meeting before rehearsal last night, seventeen young adults reminded me of why I do this. And while we have miles to go before we sleep, it always helps to know we might get there with the wheels still on.

The coffee tastes good for the first time in weeks. And dig this — I turned off my reading light at 11 p.m., and wasn’t conscious again until 4:50. How ’bout them road apples, fiends? Almost six uninterrupted hours of sleep? Sheesh. Dozin’ the day away…

Happy Thursday, and feel free to wish my girl Bando a fractured femur. Her show opens tonight! (Alas for You, dearie…heh)


6 thoughts on “Thunderbirds are “go.”

  1. Stein

    I’d do the proper musician’s term instead of “break a leg” on here, but it’s just not appropriate… All is well for DT. Now maybe my life will not be on a tilt, right? RIGHT?????


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