What a glorious feeling…

…I’m happy again. At least for the moment.

Conclusion: two rehearsals with orchestra during production week is not enough. The cast need that third one. Lesson learned. Still, everyone nailed it last night — cast, crew and pit. It was a great opening. Stoney, Greg and I are fortunate indeed to be surrounded by such great students and parents. Note to all of you: no matter what some idiots in the Reflector might post, you have much to celebrate.

I’ve decided to go back tonight and tomorrow and finish this show.

I wish you all lived closer.

Fink out (to make the coffee and relax a bit)

6 thoughts on “What a glorious feeling…

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Haha — people just think they know everything, ya know? There was an issue with a district administrator resigning, and people in the online version of an area newspaper felt the need to throw rocks and pontificate on that which they possessed not the slightest iota of knowledge. Get on a plane and come over here and put the hands on ’em for us, Suz. :P

  1. Mavis

    I DO live closer and I WILL be there tonight! ;0) I can’t wait. And the Reflector needs to do some “reflecting” of their own!!!

    So glad you’re showing up for the next 3! :0) Love you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Looking forward to seeing you tonight, Mave! Unfortunately, Lars is unable to make it. So you can put your feet up on his chair. :P

      Love ya sissy — see you tonight! I’m off to run errands.


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