Monthly Archives: November 2010


What is this vacation of which you speak?

It’s full out insanity till Saturday around here. Daughter Johanna is visiting from Texas, and it’s been great chatting with her. Tonight is dinner-and-movie night with Bob and BFF Kay, then tomorrow after school, Mavis and I start the cooking and baking. Thursday evening: turkey! Friday, the Js for a sleepover. Somewhere in there, I need to squeeze in some time to write rhythm section parts and see the Harry Potter movie.

But I ain’t complainin’. What do I enjoy more than having family and friends close by for the holidays? I’ll get back to you when I think of something.

So, what are your plans, fiends? Are you leaving town? Flying anywhere for the sole purpose of getting a TSA beatdown? (I mean patdown.) Staying in? Cooking? I must say I do get excited about the cooking part. I’m even excited about using that dandy new warming tray Helen sent over last night. No last-second rush to get side dishes on the table so they can be marginally hot when everyone sits down. Nice.

Two more days. I can do this.

Fink, hangin’ in there

And more shopping

If I want the holiday gifts to be wrapped and ready on time, I have to get started. But I’ll keep the Finkmobile parked at the house, thanks.

I do most of my Christmas shopping online; it’s a ton easier, and this year, lots of merchants are offering free shipping in addition to sale prices. Bonus. Why schlep through the malls? I mean, there’s the whole experiential thing, but I’m not much for that unless lunch is involved. And chocolate. Chocolate and lunch, in that order.

Admittedly, I just don’t have the ambition to do what daughter-in-law Hannah does every year: Black Friday. But does she ever get some great deals. She’s got them scouted out already. I hope she doesn’t run into any fistfights this year…

I might shop as well on Black Friday — from my parlor. I suppose I should adopt some kind of shopping tradition that involves family fun. Mavis and I usually equate shopping all day long with getting a root canal. We’re such party poops. What traditions do y’all have? I know Tom Hanks’s family celebrates Hanksgiving to ring in the holiday season. Other families have Black Friday outings. Maybe I should come up with an idea or two. Or maybe not. *turns up space heater, gets another cup of coffee*

Jake and Justin tonight — four thumbs up.


Do not play this game.

You will become a bleary-eyed, sniveling, pathetic addict.

Like me.

I’ve never been a video game player. Never even held a controller on a Nintendo or PlayStation or XBox. Wouldn’t know Black Ops from a cyclops. But Angry Birds on my Droid..oh dear, it’s like an opium drip.

The other night, I played it instead of reading my Nook at bedtime. When I downloaded the update a few days ago, I played each night afterwards, at bedtime — and beat all 45 new levels to death. SCORE

I don’t have time for this, really. I’m using my heretofore precious nighttime reading slot to play this ridiculous game. The other day, after school, while I waited for a student’s parent to pick her up from rehearsal, I sat in my car and played it. I’m going mental.

But I can quit anytime I want.

Hey, it’s Finkday — yippity!