Another openin’ II

Welp, we’re as ready as we’re going to be. Nine weeks of …

Can we please sing in tune?
You cannot look like corpses on that entrance.
Cory, please don’t look like a scared rabbit up there.
Can we please do ball-changes instead of flams?
The point of tap dancing is everyone’s feet have to hit the floor at the same time.
STOP!!! You’re rushing again.
All phones in the Easter basket.
This show is sucking the life out of me.

Thing is, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. (And I will, Lawd.) Let the good times roll.


13 thoughts on “Another openin’ II

  1. Mavis

    I’m so excited! I’m really looking forward to seeing the show tomorrow night. As always, it’s going to be fabulous, darling! You and your students put on a marvelous show every year, and this one will be no different. BAL!

    Love you!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Thanks Mave! I hope everyone is “on” for the run. I told them last night, “This is it–rehearsals are over,” and a couple of them looked like they couldn’t believe it. It’s been a long haul–they need to be on their game tonight. (Me too!!)

      Love you and see you soon!

  2. Greg

    “Where are my keys?”
    “Greg, I can’t find my keyboard light!”
    “Nobody leaves until I check your costumes personally!!!”
    “I’ll get you, my little pretty..” Oh wait, wrong show!!

  3. Kristen

    Hm… All of that sounds vaguely familiar, as if I’ve heard it before. A long time ago…
    Good luck and I hope everything goes well (or as well as it ever can)! I’ll be there Saturday night! Can’t wait!

  4. Kodye

    Step-hop-fa-lap-fa-lap-ball-change will forever be burned into my mind. I’m serious. I’ll never forget it. Good luck on DT this year. Unfortunately, I can’t make it this year. Working. Being a grown up is lame.

  5. Rat Fink Post author

    Hey, thanks fiends (and Greg, I KNEW where my stand light was … well, kinda…). The shows went very well tonight — two down, three to go! You are the best.


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