Category Archives: 30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge 21

We’re nearing the home stretch — only nine more challenge questions. I hope you’ve enjoyed this half as much as I!

Day 21
How did you come to live where you live?

Unlike many of my coworkers and other family, I was a nomad of sorts. I was born in Illinois, then moved to a suburb of Milwaukee. Just before I entered high school in 1973, my family moved to Ohio, and with the exception of an 18-month stint in Florida, I’ve been in the same city ever since.

I know there are some stay-putters as well as other gypsies out there. Let’s compare notes.

30 Day Challenge 19

Day 19
What activities were you involved in during your high school years?

  1. Choir
  2. Band
  3. Jazz band
  4. Orchestra
  5. Spanish club
  6. Thespians club
  7. Musicals
  8. My last two summers of high school, I worked 3rd shift as a waitress at the L & K Restaurant out by the interstate (it’s now a Denny’s), which, of course, enabled me to acquire this treasure.

Cripes — no wonder I never had time to turn around! OK fiends, spill it.

30 Day Challenge 18

Day 18
Tell about a regret.

I regret not being more disciplined and responsible as a teenager and young adult. I know that some of my crazier, more rebellious traits have been passed on to my sons (their father was/is the quintessential antithesis of  “wild”). I regret not teaching them to conform and think inside the box.

OK, that last sentence was total crap. :-) But I do sometimes regret being wild and crazy in my youth.

How about you? Is there something you wish you could do over, or are you all Frank Sinatra singin’ My Way?

30 Day Challenge 17

Day 17
Have you ever had a recurring dream/nightmare? Tell.

Yep, yep, yep. I’m backstage at a live performance. I have the lead role, and I’m in my costume and the show is already underway. The stage manager whispers to me, “OK, you’re on!” Then I turn to him and tell him I’ve never heard of this show before, I don’t know any of the songs or any of the lines or blocking. I don’t know the other cast members. What am I gonna do?! Then my teeth fall out.
