Fab Wednesday

Yes, fiends. It’s 09.09.09. And we all know what that means…

I covets it. I wants the game. Complete with the Hofner bass and Ludwig drum kit.

And speaking of the Fabs (and being fab in general), RtB fiend Ross — my writer idol — did a new piece for AskMen.com on the top ten controversies surrounding the Beatles. Checking it out is mandatory; you won’t regret it.

“…coolest coven of all time.” Haha. Yep. Home run, Ross — loved it!

*sigh* I don’t want to work. I just want to bang on de drum all day. Have a goody, everybody.

Fink Rundgren

10 thoughts on “Fab Wednesday

  1. PKPudlin

    OK, I did my reading. When’s the quiz? How many questions? Will this count towards my final grade?
    C’mon, teach – my area is the 16th c Renaissance, not the 20th c Renaissance!
    Really liked the article though.

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Geez PK you sound like every kid in grades 7-12. “Do I need to know this? Will it be on the test?”

      Kids. Sheesh.

  2. Tom Hanks

    I think your job as a “teacher” at a “school” is really a cover for you to play rock band all day without shmink and I.

    We must rock out with the beatles!

    1. Rat Fink Post author

      Ah yes, Kodylicious. Personally, I’m looking forward to a little “She Came in Through the Bathroom Window.”

  3. Tom Hanks

    Abbey Road will be available Oct. 20th for download….. Sgt Pepper in November, and Rubber Soul in December. There is no announced date yet for The White Album so I guess Ed is out of luck for now.


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