Monthly Archives: September 2009


Random Neuron Firings

So BoomR sent me some photos of Beatles Rock Band last night. Clicky:

Yep, looks like fun all right. Thanks, Boom Boom. I am *so* on this.


Had rehearsal for the famous “Telephone Hour” number last night. Fun. Good to see high school kids unzipping their cocoon skin and stepping out a bit.


My Flip arrives tomorrow. Color me tres excite. Look for random and sundry uploads from our Detroit trip to take BFFs Kay and Bob to the airport on Saturday. Dare me to go ninja with it in Greektown Casino? Nah…probably get it confiscated. And as I always tell my choirs, in the interest of fair warning: That will make me mad.


Speaking of Satuday…the airport. :-( She’ll only be gone for 7 weeks, though. Which reminds me: cast/crew of Birdie who are reading this — that’s about how long we have till we open. Nice.


I’ve lived in northeast Ohio for the better part of 36 years, and I’ve never been on a tour of the nearby Smucker’s headquarters in Orrville. Go figure.


Speaking of Orrville, the Thriller and I are going to Smithville — just a few miles from the Smucker’s plant –to have dinner here with RD and Bonnie very soon. Me psyched — diet be danged that night, lemmetellya. (The food’s great, but yeesh their website is in desperate need of a redesign.)

And now my fiends, I am out of time, and out of here. Happy Thursday — tomorrow’s only a day away.


Fab Wednesday

Yes, fiends. It’s 09.09.09. And we all know what that means…

I covets it. I wants the game. Complete with the Hofner bass and Ludwig drum kit.

And speaking of the Fabs (and being fab in general), RtB fiend Ross — my writer idol — did a new piece for on the top ten controversies surrounding the Beatles. Checking it out is mandatory; you won’t regret it.

“…coolest coven of all time.” Haha. Yep. Home run, Ross — loved it!

*sigh* I don’t want to work. I just want to bang on de drum all day. Have a goody, everybody.

Fink Rundgren

Much ado

…about too many things.

I tend to get tunnel vision when I have too much going on (teaching, musical rehearsals, orchestra stuff, writing papers at night, worrying about this and that thing going wrong, money, when am I going to see the kids, how much longer is the MFR going to hold out, etc.) that I fail to smell the roses; to see the bright side of life. (Greg, I forbid you to burst into song here.) I mean, really…

How many people really like their job? I do.

How many people actually like (as well as love) everyone in their family? I do.

How many people have all the necessities of life, and a ton of nice extras — and still complain? I do.

If you’re reading this, you have an internet connection, and likely a computer or two in your house. Or, you have the wherewithal to own a data plan on your phone, or at least get to a library or cafe to connect. That’s a good thing. Count yourself fortunate in this world.

I saw on PK’s Facebook yesterday that she had filled out a bucket list: a list of things you’ve done or want to do before you die. I challenge all Finkites today to come up with a “Roses List” — a list of a couple-three-four things that you’re amazingly grateful for, and that you might even take for granted. You just need to smell some roses today. We all do.

So, I covet your articulate and compendious replies. Kody, you can even be grateful for pro wrestling. Schmink can be thankful for pocket lint and plastic lids (cuz that’s the kinda guy you are). It’s all good.

Late for the shower — but that’s, like, totally fine.


Fink the Flower Child

RNF, Football Edition

Random Neuron Firings

My high school football team needs a win this Friday. A shot of morale always does a body good. The coach is a stand-up guy, and the kids work hard. Go Trojans!


Eric Mangini is still monkeying around and not announcing his choice for quarterback for the opening game, much to the distraction of the players, and the eternal annoyance of the fans.

Ya know…I wonder. I read somewhere that his indecision makes it appear as if he doesn’t like either guy, which can’t do a whole lot for morale in the locker room or on the field or in the front office. What’s the holdup? Why can’t you pick one? Everyone with a brain knows Quinn has less streakiness and more athleticism; pick him, fuh cripesake. Quit foolin around. Everyone thinks you’re a chump who actually believes he’s fooling the Vikings.


I hate the St****rs. I mean, I really do. I hate Ben Roehtheeslehbklejhgwlehtkbeener, and I don’t even know him. He could be the Lord come to town on a pony and I wouldn’t care. As long as he wears the absolute undisputed butt-ugliest uniform ever foisted upon a team in the history of pro sports, I hate him.


Speaking of ugly uniforms — Oregon wins the Olympic gold medal.

Ooo, those duck feathers are scaaaaaaaary...Well, we had this extra fabric lying around, and...

Sorry guys, but the UniRoyal tire-tread look doesn't exactly scream "champion."


Peyton Manning is a really good actor. Seriously.


Peyton Manning’s brother is a really rich man. Seriously.


PS – The Slap Chop really works. Seriously.

PPS – HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late) to RtB fiends Bando and Stein! I remember my twenties. Um, wait…no I don’t. (Love to you both!)


Photo credits: Getty Images; Sports Illustrated

Party of the (half) century

Well I must say…I don’t know if I could have handled any more fantastic surprises. There aren’t enough superlatives to describe my ultra-fab birthday party last night, so I won’t try.

Surprise guests kept arriving — I was blown away! Here are some mementos:

The mastermind, who went through my cell phone address book and invited every name he recognized

Displayed after I went in the house. Sneaky.

Special fiends Adam and Bando

Fun people

We had lots of laughs. More RtB fiends identified here.



The most amazing surprise of all: BoomR shows up from Dallas

I have too many photos (Jane is bringing some more over — I hope I can find some of RD and Bonnie) and not near enough time and space to show them all this morning. Suffice it to say that I have an incredible family and fantabulicious friends — all more than I could ask for or deserve.

OK. I’m off to BFF Kay’s house for tea, then call up Lars & Helen for coffee…then I write a paper. Lovely.

Thank you again to everyone — what a crazy fantastic night!
